in entrepreneurial competences

and development of entrepreneurial

Who is the training for?

Who is the training for?

HR 2.0: involving employees into innovative company departments

Stimulating intrapreneurship

Launching new products
and directions
Teaching the key principles
of technological business

Conducting training in economic literacy

Selecting candidates for
entrepreneurial projects 

Developing business skills of startup leaders

Decreasing the investment risks
of selection programs

Compiling profiles of entrepreneurial
competences for participants

Corporations and tech companies
Startup-studios and  accelerators
Why do we need entrepreneurial competences?
Challenges of the new industrial revolution demand a new set of competences from corporate employes and young entrepreneurs alike.
Why do we need
Challenges of the new industrial revolution demand a new set of competences from corporate employes and  young entrepreneurs alike.
Business game «Build company. Sell company»
 is an instrument for working with human capital in the field of a new entrepreneurial economy
Business game «Build company. Sell company»  is an instrument for working with human capital in the environment of a new entrepreneurial economy
What are the training goals?
What are the training goals?
Diagnostic and development of techpreneur competences
Goal № 1
Preparing participants for the tasks requiring honed
business sense
Goal № 2
Identifying deficits within participants' entrepreneurial competence profiles
Correcting development trajectories
Goal № 3
Our clients — forward-thinking corporations and innovative universities
Universities, tech companies and development institutions all use business game
«Build company. Sell company» in achieving their goals
and partners
9 000
people underwent the training
configurations of the training developed for clients' projects
How does this training work?
In one day participants live through the entire development cycle of a new industry
Entrepreneurial competence training "Build company. Sell company" is conducted in form of a business game
The game is based on  a unique aggregation of entrepreneurial experience of dozens of tech companies
Business norms in the game are the same as in real life — participants receive a vital economic experience
Participants' business activity is tracked via digital trace and analysed by automated software in real time
Online or offline
50 to 200 people
6 to 9 hours
Depending on client's goals, training can be supplemented with additional options
Competence diagnostics
Expert evaluation of participants' entrepreneurial competence profiles

Deep analysis of digital trace

Independent opinion in HR decisions based on training results

Order training or contact us directly
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Foundation in theory
The training is based on a well-developed scientific models and deep methodological research. We tell of them in detail in mainline articles of TechnoSpark's School of entrepreneurship
Education policy
Anna Elashkina,
head of TechnoSpark's School of Entrepreneurship

Andrew Gubanov,
senior researcher at didactics laboratory of TySU
Strategic initiatives agency
Petr Schedrovicky,
president of science foundation «G .P. Shedrovicky's development institution»

Denis Kovalevich,
technological entrepreneur and venture investor
Anna Elashkina,head of TechnoSpark's School of Entrepreneurship